Saturday, April 18, 2009

Nuclear plant snub

Top Mining News: A BID for Chapelcross Two has been snubbed by a UK Government list for future nuclear power stations. Westminster have listed 11 sites in the UK as having potential for the creation of a new site – but there are none in Scotland.

Dumfriesshire Tory MP David Mundell said: “This is not the news we wanted to hear.

“To provide a secure, affordable, low carbon baseload energy supply we need a mix of energy provision in which renewables and nuclear are complementary.

“Scotland is currently relying on over half of our energy production coming from finite and diminishing fossil fuel sources.

“It is the blinkered dogma of parties such as the SNP and Liberal Democrats which is threatening to turn out the lights across Scotland by refusing to consider continued nuclear power as part of the energy mix.

“If the SNP has its way, Scotland might go from being a net exporter of electricity to a net importer, dependent on nuclear power from across the border.”

Dumfries and Galloway Labour MP Russell Brown also turned the attack on the Scottish Government who have a policy of a nuclear-free Scotland.

“By ruling out nuclear energy at this stage the SNP have made a huge mistake which will cost local jobs,” he said.

The current Chapelcross site near Annan is in the process of being decommissioned with fears over the long-term future of 430 workers.(

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